Tracy Todd (Tracy) Batchelor, MD, MPH

Tracy Todd (Tracy) Batchelor, MD, MPH

内科 哈佛大学医学院神经科教授








2014-12-09 16:192606

Tracy Todd (Tracy) Batchelor, MD, MPH 博士哈佛大学麻省总医院神经科神经肿瘤中心主任,哈佛医学院神经科教授,史蒂芬-帕帕斯(Stephen E. and Catherine Pappas)神经肿瘤中心执行主任。
Tracy Todd (Tracy) Batchelor, MD, MPH 毕业于美国埃默里大学医学院,临床医学博士(MD),哈佛大学公共卫生学院公共卫生硕士。曾于Yale-New Haven医院、麻省总医院神经科(1996)和纪念斯隆凯特琳癌症中心神经肿瘤科担任住院医师,癌症及相关疾病纪念医院研究员。美国精神和神经科委员会委员。
Tracy Todd (Tracy) Batchelor博士主要研究领域包括:恶性胶质瘤,胶质母细胞瘤新型靶向治疗,其他原发性中枢神经系统肿瘤的治疗与诊断。他主要的临床研究包括:原发性中枢神经系统肿瘤包括高分化神经胶质瘤(恶性胶质瘤,胶质母细胞瘤,间变少突神经胶质瘤,间变性室管膜瘤),低分化神经胶质瘤(星形细胞瘤,少突神经胶质瘤,少突神经胶质瘤),原发性中枢神经系统淋巴瘤。
Tracy Todd (Tracy) Batchelor博士近期发表的代表性学术论文:
1. Batchelor TT, Betensky RA, Esposito JM, Pham L, Dorfman MV, Piscatelli N, Jhung S, Rhee D, Louis DN.  Age-dependent prognostic effects of genetic alterations in glioblastoma.  Clin Cancer Res 2004; 10:  228-233
2. Batchelor TT, Carson K, O'Neill A, Alavi J, New P, Grossman SA, Hochberg F, Priet R for the NABTT CNS Consortium.  The treatment of primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) with methotrexate and deferred radiotherapy: NABTT 96-07.  J Clin oncol 2003; 21:  1044-1049 
3. Batchelor TT, Sorensen AG, di Tomaso E, Zhang W-T, Duda DG, Cohen KS, Kozak KR, Cahill DP, Chen P-J, Zhu M, Ancukiewicz M, Mrugala M, Plotkin S, Drappatz J, Louis DN, Ivy P, Scadden DT, Benner T, Loeffler JS, Wen PY, Jain RK.  AZD2171, a pan-VEGF and PDGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor normalizes tumor vasculature and alleviates edema in glioblastoma patients.  Cancer Cell 2007; 11:  83-95
4. Gerstner ER, Yip S, Wang DL, Louis DN, Iafrate AJ, Batchelor TT. MGMT methylation is a prognostic biomarker in elderly patients with new diagnosed glioblastoma. Neurology 2009; 73: 1509-1510 
5. Batchelor TT, Duda DG, di Tomaso E, Ancukiewicz M, Plotkin SR, Gerstner E, Eichler AF, Drappatz J, Hochberg FH, Louis DN, Cohen KS, Chea H, Exarhopoulos A, Loeffler JS, Moses MA, Ivy P, Sorensen AG, Wen PY, Jain RK.  Phase II study of cediranib, an oral pan-VEGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, in patients with recurrent glioblastoma.  J Clin oncol 2010; 28: 2817-2823
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