Daniel G. Coit, MD, FACS

Daniel G. Coit, MD, FACS

外科 外科教授
纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center








2015-04-13 16:143188


Daniel G. Coit教授同时擅长胃癌的治疗,目前为纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心两个重大胃癌研究项目的主持者,两个研究项目分别为“术前化疗对于高复发风险胃癌患者的有效性评估”和“胃癌患者生活质量评估”。他还是高度活跃于美国国内和世界性肿瘤大会的讲者,多部肿瘤“治疗指南”的编写者并撰写多篇外科肿瘤学课题的综述。
Daniel G. Coit博士已经发表的代表性学术论文/著作:
Book Chapters
“Technique of hyperthermic isolation limb perfusion.” Coit DG. In: Atlas of Surgical Oncology. Monson JRT, Donohue JH, van Heerden JA, eds. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific ; 1995: 45-49.
“Malignant melanoma.” Coit DG: In: Conn’s Current Therapy. Rakel RE, ed.  Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1997: 818-820.
“Isolated perfusion of extremity tumors.” Fraker D, Coit DG. In: Regional Therapy of Advanced Cancer.Lotze M et. al, eds. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1997: 333-349.
“Regional chemotherapy of melanoma.” Brady MS, Coit DG. In: Regional Chemotherapy Clinical Research and Practice. Markman M, ed. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press; 2000: 33-55.
“Cancer of the small intestine.” Coit DG. In: Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology. 6th ed. DeVita VT, Hellman S, Rosenberg SA, eds. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 2001: 1204-1215.
“Technique of lymphatic mapping with sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients with malignant melanoma.” Coit DG. In: Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy. Cody H., ed. London: Martin Dunitz; 2002:135-142.
“metastatic surveillance and follow-up.” Coit DG, Ferrone CR. In: Cutaneous Melanoma. 4th ed. Balch CM, Houghton AN, Sober AJ, Soong, SJ, eds. St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing; 2003: 511-521.
“metastatic melanoma at distant sites — followup.” Olsen J, Coit DG. In: Textbook of Melanoma. Thompson J, Morton D, Kroon B., eds. London: Martin Dunitz; 2004: 449-458.
“Inguinofemoral, iliac/obturator, and popliteal lymphadenectomy in patients with melanoma.” Jacobs LK, Balch CM, Coit DG: In: Cutaneous Melanoma. 5th ed. Balch CM, Houghton AN, Sober AJ, Soong, SJ, Atkins MB, Thompson JF, eds. St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing; 2009.
“Recurrent regional metastases of melanoma.” Coit DG, Ferrone CR. In: Cutaneous Melanoma. 5th ed. Balch CM, Houghton AN, Sober AJ, Soong, SJ, Atkins MB, Thompson JF eds. St. Louis: Quality Medical Publishing; 2009.
“Radical groin dissection.” Coit DG. In: Mastery of Surgery. Fischer J, eds.  Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2012: 1743-57
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